Specifies the search condition for the rows returned by the query.

  • Projection means choosing which columns (or expressions) the query will return.
  • Selection means which rows are to be returned.


SELECT css(".title") as title
FROM  http://www.delven.io/test/index-01.html 
WHERE css(".content-container .title")
SELECT  css('#title') as title
FROM  http://www.delven.io/test/index-01.html 
WITHIN css(".content-container")
WHERE  css(".content-container .title") LIKE ('Test 1', 'Test 2')
SELECT css(".title") as title
FROM  http://www.delven.io/test/index-01.html 
WHERE css(".content-container .title") LIKE ('Test 1', 'Test 2')
SELECT css("h1") as header
FROM  http://www.delven.io/test/index-01.html 
WHERE css({"selector":"#title", "slice":false}) LIKE ('Title 1', 'Title 2', 'Title 3')


A. Finding a row by using a simple equality

SELECT * FROM my.datasource WHERE fielda = 100 AND field <> 'A'

B. Finding rows by using a comparison operator

SELECT * FROM my.datasource WHERE fielda <= 100

C. Finding rows that are in a list of values

SELECT * FROM my.datasource WHERE fielda IN (100, 200, 300)