JavaScript Execution

Executing script on loaded document



A. Execute JavaScript function

  "execute" : ["window.scrollTo(0, 0)", "document.write('Hello World')"]

A. Execute JavaScript on [DOMElement] (

Before a funtion can be executed a DOMElement first need to be located

SELECT css("#btn") 
    "by-css"    : "#btn",
    "execute" :  ["$.click()"]

Full JavaScript support : ECMAScript 6

Delven allows for low lever interaction with documents via JavaScript(ECMAScript 6+) scripts. The native keyword is applied to a script to indicate that the script is implemented in native code.

Context Object

Name Spec Data Types Description
args Object of Key:Value Parameters passed to the function
session Object of Key:Value Contains information about current extract session
document DOMDocument Currently loaded document
config Object of Key:Value Request configuration

Native method can return three different types of results.

  • Simple value
  • JSON Object
  • Object Array

NULL values will throw an exception.


Calling native function

Following example will call page-interceptor.js afer page have been loaded and execute product intercept function. Calling native functions takes a special $ prefix such as $product

SELECT $product() AS product
NATIVE "page-interceptor.js"

Passing arguments to function

Arguments passed to the function take an JSON object and can be accessed from the context object via context.args.

SELECT $product({"field":"product"}) AS product
NATIVE "page-interceptor.js"

Script to execute : page-interceptor.js

export function product(context) 
    var arg = context.args;
    var $   = context.jQuery;
    var result =
        name: $('.productName h1').text().trim(),
        price: $('.price .value').text().trim(),
        description: $('.description[itemprop="description"]').text().trim()

    return result;

Page Interceptors : intercept.js

There are cases when we want to capture and manipulate requests/responses before they get processed by the interpetter.

Interceptors allow you to:

  • Intercept a request by implementing the request function: This method is called before reguest is send to the backend.

  • Intercept a response by implementing the response function: This method is called right after interpretter receives the response from the backend, so you can modify the response and make other actions.

  var interceptor = 
      request: function(context) 
          var document = context.document;   
          var config   = context.config;             
          config.headers['x-session-token'] = 'secret-token';            

      response : function(context) 
          var document = context.document;   
          document.title = 'Intercepted Document'          

 // Register our interceptor

Adding dependencies : require