Delven uses a simple syntax to store results. The INTO clause always comes after the SELECT statement. Extraction results are stored in collections, collection is a container for a JSON documents.




This is minimalistic example of our INSERT clause.

  SELECT css("#header"), css("#title")  FROM   
  INSERT HeaderCollection   

This will result in a document to be inserted into a HeaderCollection for each of the returned matches. So if there were two #header id in the page we will have two documents inserted.

    "$1" : "Header 1",
    "$2" : "Title  1"
    "$1" : "Header 2",
    "$2" : "Title  2"

Controlling column names

As we could see in previous example column names were anonymous and the actuall key values have been generated automatically.

To specify a explicit name we use the AS keyword.

  SELECT css("#header") AS Header, css("#title") AS Title  
  INSERT HeaderCollection 

Here is version that uses explicit column names, this is more verbose but it allows us to controll exactly what will be inserted.

  SELECT css("#header") AS Header, css("#title") AS Title  
  INSERT HeaderCollection 
    "Header" : Header,
    "Title"  : Title

Both examples will produces results with more meaningful names.

    "Header" : "Header 1",
    "Title"  : "Title  1"
    "Header" : "Header 2",
    "Title"  : "Title  2"

Adding default values

Sometimes it is preferable to provide default values for data that is not present.

  SELECT css("#header") AS Header, css("#title") AS Title  
  INSERT HeaderCollection 
    "Header" : {"value" : Header, "default" : "Default Header"},        
    "Title"  : Title

Multivalue insert

Here we have an example where we select a single #header and all the links inside that header with #header a selector.

  SELECT css("#header") AS header, css("#header a") AS links 
  INSERT HeaderCollection 

This produces

    "header" : "Header 1",
    "links"  : [
      {"value" : "Link Text 1", "href": "http://link1"},
      {"value" : "Link Text 2", "href": "http://link2"},
      {"value" : "Link Text 3", "href": "http://link2"}

Multivalue insert with Group Join

select * FROM 
   SELECT 1 as id, 2 as val
) AS T1

JOIN (SELECT 1 as id, 3 as val) AS T2  ON
   "left"    : {"ID" : T1.ID},
   "right"   : {"ID" : T2.ID}
} INTO JoinData

INSERT HeaderCollection
 "id": id,
 "data" : JoinData


This will produce following stucture

    "id" : "1",
    "data"  : [
      {"id" : "1", "val": 2},
	    {"id" : "1", "val": 3}